Supporting Your Business Growth
Muraly Srinarayanathas: Business Beyond Borders
Gain insights on empowering immigrant communities and fostering inclusive entrepreneurship with Muraly Srinarayanathas.
Laura Gatien: Bridging Gaps in Mental Health Access
Learn about the vital work of Laura Gatien, driving positive change for mental health equity and empowerment.
Andy Posner: Redefining Financial Services for Good
Explore the significance of moral alignment in leadership and its impact on social change with Andy Posner.
Rachel Vander Vennen: Authentic Leadership and Inclusive Communities
Explore the role of meaningful relationships and nurturing belonging in Rachel Vander Vennen’s impactful work.
Dr. Matthew Harrison: Digital Solutions for Inclusive Spaces
Upgrade your leadership toolkit with Dr. Matthew Harrison’s insights on technology, accessibility, and communication.
Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley: Navigating Stress and Wellbeing
Take your leadership to new heights by exploring the dynamic synergy between psychological safety, frontal lobe batteries, and effective leadership strategies with Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley.
Kyra Cole: Leading with Values and Collaboration
Embrace the essence of community-first leadership and humble determination with Kyra Cole as she emphasizes diversity, equity, and inclusion in driving change for a more inclusive economic landscape.
Jennifer Krueger: Sparking Creative Energies Through Art
Jennifer Krueger empowers positive change through art, cultivating creativity, fostering self-expression, and instilling confidence for individuals of all ages.
Andrea Janzen: Empowering Women in Leadership
Break free from the advice trap with Andrea Janzen and discover actionable growth opportunities beyond information overload.
Dr. David Scott: Mental Skills for Sports and Business
Gain a competitive edge in leadership as Dr. David Scott delves into the transformative role of mental skills, character, humility, and responsibility.
Nancy Mathis: Championing Your Voice and Leading with Purpose
Unveiling her latest venture, Nancy Mathis shares her experiences, insights, and motivations, while exploring the transformative role of coaching in leadership development.
Jackie Russell: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Talk About the Good
Jackie discusses storytelling that resonates and tells us how nonprofits and sustainable companies can shift their perspectives to inspire and to generate support.
Mary Anne Ivison: Sometimes You’re Chicken and They Want Steak
Mary Anne discusses experiencing a layoff during the pandemic, what that felt like, and how she saw it as her chance to figure out what she wanted to do next.
A Strong Leader Is A Stronger Teammate
Dr Stéphanie Melanson shares her journey of finding leadership coaching building on her sports medicine and personal life experience.
From Passionate Disruptor to Transformative Leader
Nicole wears many hats in life, from Doctor to Mom to Healthcare Leader to Coach, but no matter what hat she’s wearing, she’s bringing years of experience and a passion for creating transformation.
Port Pod(cast): Leadership Flowing Through Creativity and Impact-Focused Goals
Craig Estabrooks shares how Port Saint John is making its presence known to grow the positive economic and community impact of a deep water port in Saint John, New Brunswick.
Nurture Your Possibility Mindset
Matt Jackson encourages us to keep ourselves open to possibilities, dreams and big goals to find the benefits of creative, sometimes messy, problem-solving-focused thinking.
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Needs Organizational Change Not Just Training
Dr Leeno Karumanchery shares his expertise backed by years of experience and scientific findings on how organizations can best achieve diversity, equality and inclusion.
Building Trust With Customers Through Hands-On Leadership
Care about the customer experience and build trust with your words and actions while always supporting your team through hands-on leadership.
Leadership For The Love Of Humanity
What does giving back mean to you? Is it solely financial in your mind? Do you have a specific motivation that pushes you to help others? How do you look at those going through difficult situations?
Creating Conversations That Shine A Light On Business Leadership
Mark Leger’s role as a leadership storyteller helps to show that not only “Business is Good” but “Business Does Good”
An Eclectic Leader Thriving On Resilience
Johanne McInnis’ years of leadership and impact in her community bring inspiration to the next generation on the water, in the tasting and in the mentorship of young mothers.
Our Journey With Emily
Emily Rodger takes the hot seat as we reflect on the past three years full of documentary films, her coaching journey, co-hosting our podcast and launching a non-profit.
Drink In The Creativity, Positivity and Acceptance Of Rabbittown Beverage Co.
Stefanie Loukes No Judgement Philosophy Leads To An Inclusive, Positive Brand That’s Making Delicious Waves in the Cold Brew Tea World
No Regrets
Dr. Bill Howatt joins us to share how he wants to help people have no regret in life and to start living well.
Breaking Brave
How do we measure the comfort zone idea, and what does it mean to be brave to expand past it?
Hard To Be Human
Being human isn’t easy. We get overwhelmed with emotions, caught up in overthinking and sometimes react a little too much. Why is it difficult to be who we are?
Alternative Dispute Resolution
What emotion would you feel if someone told you you had to be in court tomorrow to solve a dispute? Ron Veale, joins us to share how there’s another way, Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Are You Aware Of Your Emotional Intelligence?
Do you consider yourself to be intelligent? Many of us would humbly agree that we are and be able to list the skillsets where we show off those smarts. But, how emotionally intelligent are you?
A Leader That Follows
Do you consider yourself a leader? Leadership is not just about one cookie-cutter ideal. Traits and characteristics support different leadership styles, and we aren’t always aware we have.
Everyday People Doing Extraordinary Things
What is your definition of a “successful” business? Did the words “Scale”, “Revenue”, or “Growth” enter into that? Ask yourself, is someone who creates impact and achieves their goals less successful because they are a small business or resist “scaling” to be a size they don’t want?
Active Listening Is A Conscious Choice
Through sharing her journey of hearing loss, Crystal Trevors is coaching others to find joy by being a truly great listener.
Why Won’t You Tell Me What To Do, Bruce?
Have you recently realized that there needs to be more in life than what you are currently experiencing? We talk about what being a coach means, how people are shifting to find more purpose and how digital connections are driving these interactions.
Dave Carroll’s Compassionate Design Resonating From His Children’s Book and New Album
How much thought every day do you put into making sure what you do in business and life is done with compassion for others? Think about that for a moment. What does compassion mean to you?
Emily Rodger’s Cadence
Our returning guest, Emily Rodger, shares how she hopes reflecting on her own experiences in a new Hemmings Films short film documentary will help others begin to process challenging experiences in their lives.
Strengthening Leadership Voices Through The Vox Method
There’s leadership power that can come from sharing your knowledge in an authentic, unique to you delivery style.
Thought Leadership: Own Your Narrative
Do you feel you have a story to tell that highlights why you’re passionate about your career, but it never comes out clearly? Maybe you need some help in telling your story.
War on Hunger
Going to war changes a person, but in this case, it started Patrick on a path to change the lives of so many children.
Vanquishing Internet Trolls
If your life and business is full of internet trolls, you need to listen to our guest Katrina German.
A Bank That Gives You Credit Based On Your Positive Impact
Is your banker invested in wanting to see your business have a positive impact on your community? Lars Boggild and Vancity Community Investment Bank Are!
Finding Answers Within To Connect With A Community Around You
Dr. Sarah Gander Is Breaking Down Barriers For Accessing Social Pediatrics Services
Small Business Losing Sight of Goals? Andy Clark’s Whole PIE Management System Can Help You Focus
You might not be able to afford to have a business consultant with 10+ years of experience helping you identify your goals. But that’s precisely the problem Andy Clark set out to solve.
Wild and Pine is Building Forests For The Next Generation
Tackling climate change by changing the perspective from “rock throwers” to finding collaborative methods is the way forward for Wild and Pine.
Wandering With A Purpose: The Life and Work of A Digital Nomad
Are you curious about how feasible being a Digital Nomad actually is? It’s all about building the lifestyle and career path that interests you.
Rewired, Not Retired: Glen Hicks Tells Us How He Shifted His Work-Life Balance To Being A Digital Independent
Are you looking to change your work-life balance by shifting to digital work, but you are past the point of wanting to be a Digital Nomad?
Where Does Being “Cancelled” Fit In Our Culture?
Have you gotten in a disagreement with someone online recently? Or have you seen the downfall of a public figure through an online movement? How do you feel about these interactions?
Find Freedom As A Creative Professional Entrepreneur
If you’re a filmmaker, artist, actor, or another type of creative professional, do you consider yourself an entrepreneur?
Virtual Team Building Your Employees Will Actually Enjoy
How do you give people that in-person connection experience virtually without it being just another video call they have smile through?
Incubating Cultural Diversity One Meal At A Time
Lily and Otito’s business serves as an incubator of cultural diversity growth in every community they add to their marketplace.
Building Business Success On Strong Core Values and Culture
If you are an entrepreneur currently struggling to find motivation and feel like chasing the money drives all of your choices, listen to this chat with Ralph.
Empowering Women One Mya Backpack At A Time
Kim and Katie introduce us to Diosa’s new product, mission for sustainability, and empowering women worldwide.
Chris Daigle For Ward 4
We are fortunate to have someone that is running in the upcoming Saint John municipal election join us to share what motivated him to throw his hat in the ring.
Turning Rum into Sustainability, Purpose and Leadership
Karen shares her story of growing a business, her views on doing business with a purpose and the wonderful feeling when finding her people in the B Corp community.
Powering Up New Brunswick With Solar Energy
The Smart Energy Company is taking the lead on making sustainable electricity choices available to businesses in New Brunswick.
Bringing Clarity to the Entrepreneurial Chaos
If you feel like your business is a little chaotic for you right now, we think you need to meet our guest who loves playing in the chaos.
Hey, Business Leaders, Stop Doing Nothing and Start Working With Purpose
Helping lead the way in getting businesses to stop making excuses and do business with purpose.
Know Your Value and Stick To Your Narrative
Knowing your value and sticking to your narrative of what is key to you can be all the difference in making your way through the world.
The Awesome Music Project
The Awesome Music Project opens our eyes to how music should be used to help improve mental health.
Breaking Generational Poverty One Kid At A Time
Poverty plays a huge role in children’s experiences in the arts and sports as they grow up. But as today’s guest helps to explain to us, being a part of a team can change that.
2020 Recap
2020 has been a year none of us expected, but we feel very fortunate that we were able to share so many stories from amazing people.
Growing Resilient Non-Profit Organizations
Alexya shares with us how the pandemic has affected their efforts, how they’ve seen organizations and people shift and grow to focus on what matters most.
Improving Your Hosting Abilities
How do you build the skills to be a good host? Our guest, Laura Calder, has some ideas to share.
Building Resilience: Innovating Your Career
Dr Ivan Zak shares his story of innovating his own career through having a curiosity to solve problems, learning on the fly and pursuing an MBA.
Travelling With Grit & Resilience
John shares with Dave and Greg the experience of acquiring another travel company at the start of the pandemic. He details how he has kept his focus moving forward, and his no-quit attitude approach.
Building Resilience: An Unsettled Entrepreneurship Story
Matt George shares unexpectedly changing careers & facing a health challenge to growing a new business and personal life successes.
Shining A Light On Your Commute To Work
How should employers manage the commuting impact created by their workforce? Well, there’s an app for that, and it’s called Luum.
Get Out of The Weeds
Vince Marsh has 15 years of experience helping leaders of senior teams become capable of handling any problem in a strategic way that keeps them from getting pulled too much into the weeds.
Where Is Your Next Sale Coming From?
Have you hired a 6-figure salesperson who through no fault of their own, couldn’t bring you in the sales you expected? Well, maybe it’s time for you to listen to, read a book written by or engage the services of our guest, Dan Englander.
Be A Startup Superstar
Do feel like you’re an outlaw, rebel or misfit in your structured corporate career? Does innovation excite you?
I Once Heard A Hiring Manager Say The N-Word
Shauna shares with us her experiences and the tipping point for her to make that post, change her career path and choose to help others find their best career fit with her consulting work and youtube channel, Career Interrupted.
Saint John is…
Diversity in our communities continues to be a path to success whether it’s for economic, cultural or lifestyle purposes.
Stop Hiding and Start Living: How to Say F-it to Fear and Develop Mental Fitness
Dr Bill Howatt takes the guest seat in this week’s episode as Dave and Greg learn more about the release of his new book, Stop Hiding and Start Living: How to Say F-it to Fear and Develop Mental Fitness.
Time To Stop Bullying With Respect In The Workplace
Sheldon Kennedy, former NHL player and long time advocate of Respect in the Workplace and Respect in Sport, shares his journey helping to educate people and build awareness.
You Learn When You Are Uncomfortable
Most important thing we can do when it comes to mental health is to talk to each other and listen to each other with no preconceptions or judgements.
Stronger Work Relationships Helps Your Mental Well Being
It might be time to re-evaluate the benefits that having solid relationships at work gives you. And yeah, there’s now an app for that.
Changing the Fashion World One Zero-Waste Circular Memory Jacket At A Time
Shamini Dhana joins us to share the launch of the circular memory jacket that is changing how to look at fashion.
Who Have You Helped Be Successful Today?
Stuart MacLean builds on Dr Bill Howatt’s article around authentic leadership by highlighting his philosophy he’s learned over his career path of always asking yourself who have you helped be successful today?
Building The Next Normal Into Your Business
Sean Ryan Shares How His Consulting Business Is Shifting During COVID-19 And Some Key Lessons He’s Learned To Build The Next Normal
It’s Time To Build Your Positive Work Environment
Dr Bill Morrison discusses critical steps and behaviours we need to monitor in our workplaces to keep us aware and moving forward with our workplace psychological safety.
Navigating the Employee-Employer Relationship During COVID-19
Kelly VanBuskirk to have an honest discussion about some of the challenges facing both employees and employers during COVID-19.
Work Together, Act Fast, Stay Positive and Lead With Transparency
David Savoie shares some of the practical steps he and his employees have been taking during this time of crisis.
Compassion In A Time Of Crisis
Alexya tells us all about the efforts happening on the ground and how businesses and employees are taking on leadership roles with their donations.
Overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis Impact on Your Business
Matt Symes Leads Us Through The Importance of Safety, Liquidity and Creativity for Surviving The COVID-19 Business Crisis
Dealing With Loneliness During Self-Isolation
We’ve taken a step outside of it this week to take advantage of Dr Bill’s knowledge, be very vulnerable about what we are all experiencing and talk through how we can cope with our current work and overall life experiences during COVID-19.
The Standard For Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
An area that Canada is leading the way globally in its establishment of The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. Sapna Mahajan, a national leader on the topic, joins us to share her insight.
Deal With Workplace Bullies
Employers and employees alike need to seriously acknowledge the mental injuries that happen from bullying in the workplace.
Bill Howatt Shifting The Employee Experience
Get to know Dr. Bill’s background and his motivation for getting involved in our podcasting world and learn all about our incredible partners who are sponsoring this mini-series.
Sleeping Baby Wakes Up Entrepreneurial Passion
Entrepreneurship isn’t just about making money. It’s about creating a lifestyle that works for you, has the impact you want to have in life and building communities that you support and who support you.
Great Marketing is About the Strategic “Why”
Great marketing needs a mixture of chaos and planning, but how do you know where that line exists?
Results Driven Success
What kind of business model can you use that not only grows your business and ensures high-quality service to your clients but also sees every employee being well paid and successful?
Finding Your Business Fit
Who do you want to work with? What is your version of success?
Building A Sharing Economy One Tool At A Time
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to walk in somewhere and check out a tool like you do a library book?
Taking on Climate Change With Grit and Technology Innovation
Tech startups innovate many different aspects of life, but is there any aspect more important than the survival of our planet?
2019 Recap
Another year is in the books for The Boiling Point Podcast! We have some great episodes ready to kick off 2020, but before we get to that, let’s look back at everything that happened in 2019!
Live Your Life With Self Aware Intention For True Business Success
Are you actually living your life with intention, or are you just really good at executing tasks every day?
Mastering Emotionally Intelligent Interactions
Have you been avoiding a challenging, high stakes conversation?
Growing Your Business Through Authenticity
If you aren’t willing to invest, how can you turn around and expect someone to buy from you?
From A Drug Arrest to A Successful Business Exit
What drives one person into an entrepreneurship path? What life events instil that drive to create something all your own?
Tammy Perry Can Help You Find Your Best Life Insight
Are you facing a hard life choice? Our guest today doesn’t have all the answers for you but she can teach you how to find them yourself.
Becoming A Conscious Brand To Achieve Your Higher Purpose
Are you feeling a little stuck as a business when it comes to the bigger impact you want to have?
Entrepreneurs: Find Communities Who Are Passionate About You
Elisa Camahort gives us essential lessons she’s learned throughout her career as an entrepreneur in the startup tech sector and some perspectives unique to being a female entrepreneur.
Real Talk about Entrepreneurship and Business Growth with Matt Symes
Real Talk. Being an entrepreneur or business owner guarantees you are going to get your a$$ kicked.
Changing The Story of Fashion: Dhana Inc.’s Circular Memory Jacket
Have you ever thought about just how much waste we create from the clothing items we toss away? Our guest Shamini Dhana has, and she has a solution.
Build and Speak To Your Community
Lisa knows how to create change. She joined us live on stage to give her experience around How to Build and Speak to Your Community.
Finding Your Inner Perseverance
If you’ve faced adversity in your career, you need to listen to the story of our guest Emily Rodger.
Watch Your Business Take Off With Help From RocketGirl
Are you always putting off tasks because you don’t enjoy or have the skills necessary to do them? It’s time to let Belinda Wasser, RocketGirl, take over.
Facing Uncomfortable Truths of Racism’s Impact on Business
We all need to see the reality of racism in our culture that unconsciously impacts our beliefs.
Be Seen As A Thought Leader
A panel of experts join us to give their experience around How To Be Seen As A Thought Leader by speaking about the idea of platform anxiety.
Downsizing With An Uplifting Approach
That’s the struggle that real estate mother-son team Mary and Davis Schryer saw happening to their demographic of clients. They came up with a solution with the services they offer to help guide their clients through the downsizing process.
Does Your Business Need A Visit From The Humor Engineer?
Maybe it’s time to look into some humour training to help improve the culture and moral of your workplace!
Entrepreneurial Spirit + Business Metrics Focus = Social Impact Success
Alexya Heelis joins us to share how they are trying to get people to think about their donations, the way they think about their financial investments.
Gail Bremner Sparks Our Curiosity About The Earth
We speak with Gail Bremner, Executive Director of Stonehammer Geopark, who shares her mission to spark curiosity about the earth.
The Art of The Interview: Hance Colburne Teaches Us About “Good Questions”
Hance entertains us with an informative take on becoming a subject matter expert through learning from those you are interviewing.
Liftoff Capital is Connecting Entrepreneurs to Investors
Peter Oxley Shares His Entrepreneurial Path Of Networking To Success
Spencer Sheinin
During UNF*CK Your Books! The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity, Spencer wants to change the relationship entrepreneurs have with their books.
No Girl Left Behind: Michelle Delamor’s Entrepreneurial Purpose
Michelle Delamor is creating a seismic shift with No Girl Left Behind to share messages of support, love and confidence with today’s young women.
Jessica Gioglio
Everyone has a story to tell. Jessica GioGlio has the experience, knowledge & passion for helping tell unique, engaging stories.
Allan Gates Helps Define Your Customer Avatar
Allan joined us to give his experience around Defining Your Avatar, the first step in our Boiling Point Process: 4 Steps to Be Heard In A Noisy Market.
Jake Palmer
Jake shares how he changed his approach to his business since attending the Boiling Point Process live event in December 2018.
Suffering From Death By Meeting? Elise Keith Can Help!
Suffering From Death by Meetings? Elise Keith Can Help! Listen Now Ever walk out of a meeting and think “What was that even about? How do I get that hour back?”. Unfortunately, a lot of us have been in that moment. Enter Elise Keith, CEO of Lucid Meetings, whose goal...
Your Business Can Win By Being Human
Mark Schaefer helped us see the benefits of putting down the technology and finding the value of listening to clients to build strong human connections.
Knowing When To Ask For Help So You Can Experience Success
Michael shares his thoughts about getting help and allowing yourself to experience your own success.
Finding The Right Pivot With A Puck That Glows
Innovation can come from common experiences when you have the right creative minds and entrepreneurial drive to make solutions a reality.
The Math Guru Vanessa Vakharia Wants Us To Make Failing Our BFF
Listen Now Most of the time, math teaches us that there are right and wrong answers. It’s positive to succeed, and it’s negative to fail. But is this attitude leading us to limit what kids feel they can learn? Are we causing anxiety and not adequately preparing...
Editing The Maritime Story: Pamela Mullinger’s Business Growth in the Publishing Industry
In the Maritimes, there is this idea that certain careers or industries won’t be possible here. Pamela Mullinger is proof this thinking is wrong.
The 4 Step Boiling Point Process: How To Be Heard In A Noisy Marketplace
It’s been an incredible 4 years with 250+ guests that have brought Greg and Dave to this point.
Strategy-Execution-Results: Sean Ryan Explains How to Transform Your Strategy Efforts
We all have the best intentions when we set out to build strategies for our business, but how often do we actually execute on those strategies?
Using Truth and Transparency to Create Trust in Your Sales: Troy Wallace’s Paradigm Shift
Are you focusing on how you can best serve the customer’s needs?
Culture, Business, Technology: Matt George Explores The Intersections
What are the cultural agreements we are all making daily? Do we even realize we are making those agreements?
Taking The Confusion Out of Applying for Government Contracts – Carroll Bernard Introduces Us to Govology
As entrepreneurs we seem to have a built in fear of the big, scary, complex government procurement process.
Tell Them They Have Broccoli in Their Teeth – Bruce McLeod Changes Our Minds About Difficult Conversations
Do you need to have a “difficult” conversation that you’ve been avoiding?
Dr Ed Brenegar Believes Leadership Can Start with Building Your Circle Of Impact
We need more problem solvers and people who are ready to adapt to the changing situations we face in business and our personal lives.
Karen Tumelty Gives Us The Full View of Open Hiring and Removing Barriers to Employment
Giving someone an opportunity to have a job and a career doesn’t have to depend on what they do or don’t have listed on their resume.
Being Busy Doesn’t Make You A Leader – Dan Pontefract Breaks Down The Stigma of Taking Time To Think
Dan wants to help people understand that taking time to think & being driven by a purpose will lead to overall happiness we should all be striving for.
Battling Climate Change One Tree At A Time: Zach Melanson shares the work of Community Forests International
Climate change is an issue that is and will continue to affect us. One New Brunswick based company is looking at this challenge head on.
Unconscious Bias: Brian Duggan Challenges Us To Be Open
Unconscious Bias can affect how we interact with everyone around us and judge others based on our own lived experiences or perceptions of who they are.
Social Espionage: Dorothéa Bozicolona-Volpe Gives Us A Crash Course In Listening, Community and Personal Branding
We go undercover to learn about her approach to listening & personal branding called Social Espionage.
Living in a Creative Economy with Alice Loy
Greg, Dave and Alice talk about the strengths the creative industry has over other industries and why it is growing so rapidly.
How To Prepare Our Children for the Future with Lisa Hrabluk
Lisa joins us to talk about her past experiences & new projects that highlight the necessary shift to our education system to better ready children for the future.
Teamwork Tactics from Basketball Coach Nelson Terroba
Greg and Dave sit down with Nelson Terroba to talk about his career as a basketball coach and how he approaches team building and teamwork.
Blair And Rosalyn Hyslop Are Socially Conscious “Couplepreneurs” Who Have A Unique Story To Tell
The Hyslop’s explain their business journey and the importance of talking about social entrepreneurship.
How “United Breaks Guitars” United the World
Dave Carroll comes on to talk about the story behind the “United Breaks Guitars” videos from 2009 and what it says about the power of social media.
How Do You Make The Impact You Desire? Curtis Kennedy Shares Lessons Learned
Curtis explains how he stays motivated, the life lessons he’s learned, and his passion for the world of entrepreneurship.
The Miramichi Way with Adam Lordon
Greg and Dave talk about the rich history of Miramichi, New Brunswick with Adam Lordon who is both the mayor of Miramichi and a passionate filmmaker.
Fighting Iron Deficiency One Fish at a Time With Gavin Armstrong
Gavin describes his business journey in creating his reusable product, ’Lucky Iron Fish’, which helps combat iron deficiency.
Suzanne Siemens is De-Feminizing Menstruation Care with Her Sustainable Business
Suzanne explains keeping your values while making business decisions, and she tells of developing her feminism values.
Seth Godin says “Perfectionists Are Cowards”… Here’s Why
Seth Godin talks about the placebo effect, how it affects people, and why trying to be a perfectionist is incredibly flawed.
How do You Connect With Your Audience so They Care? Seth Godin Knows!
Seth Godin talks his teaching career and gives marketing advice for the digital age.
Courtney Blair – Curating the Podcast Community
Hear about Courtney Blair’s company, Zippy Content, which connects entrepreneurs, authors, coaches, and consultants to the best podcasters around the globe.
How Do You Stay Motivated and Resilient in a Loud World? Dr. Rumeet Billan Knows!
Rumeet explains her work with Viewpoint Leadership, she talks about “Tall Poppy Syndrome”, and she talks how to build resilience.
How Do We Properly Prepare Children for Their Future? Ed McGinley Teaches Through Technology
Ed talks building a relationship with technology and why it is important for kids’ future.
Public Relations – Bonnie Elgie Has the Secret
Bonnie talks about being strategic and consistent with getting your message out there by investing in a plan and understanding your customer.
Firewalking Will Change Your Life – David Albin Explains How
David talks about how the firewalking process effects people, his first time firewalking, and how the process effects people.
Feeling Stuck? Here’s How To Stay Motivated with Elizabeth Crook
Are you feeling stuck? Elizabeth talks about staying motivated and why some entrepreneurs find their interest in their company going stale.
Looking to Free Up Some of Your Time? Connor Gillivan’s Got The Solution
Connor Gillivan explains his company, FreeeUp, a freelancer finding service that will free up your business time in ways no other service can.
Building Confidence for the Disabled with Jim Kokocki and Martin Chiasson
We sit down and talk with two of the board members of L’Arche, a chain of communities where people with disabilities are able to explore their gifts.
Brent Smith is Newfoundland’s Chief Chocolate Officer
We hear Brent Smith’s personal story of how he and his wife decided to open up The Newfoundland Chocolate Company.
Jeff Wilson is Helping Youth Develop the Skills Needed for the Future
Jeff explains Brilliant Labs, how their company is getting youth involved in coding, and their goal to reintroduce coding into the school curriculum.
Lessons from Surfing with Ken Otter
Ken chats with Greg and Dave about his passion for surfing and how it has become a creative outlet for him to express himself and incorporate that into his ways of teaching.
Jaclyn Trecartin and The Law of Attraction
Jaclyn chats with Greg and Dave and describes how the Law Of Attraction inspired her book “33 Days: A Parenting Program to Strengthen Your Family”.
Scientist Turned Entrepreneur: Bethany Deshpande
Bethany chats with Greg and Dave about creating SomaDetect agriculture farming company. The company helps farmers provide better care for animals and provide quality milk.
Richard Sommer – Architects, Artists, and Lateral Thinking
Richard explains the impact on broad lateral thinking that comes with training or schooling in architecture. This helps expand job prospects.
Bridget Oland’s Molasses Story
Bridget Oland discusses how she got to her position as the marketing director and recipe developer of Crosby’s Molasses.
Becoming a Member of the Wallace McCain Institute with Alex MacBeath
Greg introduces Alex MacBeath as the Chair of the Wallace McCain Institute. We hear the in-depth process of becoming a member of this organization.
Heritage Marketing With Andrew Bedford
Andrew Bedford’s shares his passion towards heritage marketing and how he became inspired to recreate the Hartt Shoe Company.
Applying Sports Leadership to Business
Cody Royle explains leadership in the business world is similar to leadership in the sports world.
Finding Meaning in Business
Elizabeth explains to the listeners her company “Meaningful Organizational Design Incorporated” and how her company specializes in meaningful business.
The Nightingale Family Embraces Goat Farming
Debbie and Shain tell the story on how they went down the road of goat farming and how they are so grateful to get paid to do what they love.
Insurance through Social Responsibility
The company that Bernie Geiss founded is Cove Continuity Advisors Inc. This company is the only certified insurance B-Corp in all of Canada.
“Likeability” – Michael Katz Explains Your Biggest Asset
Michael Katz explains why your likeability is actually your biggest asset and how you can stand out from other people with your same qualifications.
Will Bernard & Billy English Reveal What Setting Goals Can Do For Your Business
Will Bernard and Billy English talk about the importance of setting goals for your business.
The Giveback Economy
Carla Langhorst and Peter Miller explain the meaning of social innovation and social enterprise.
Both guests go over the release of their new book, “The GiveBack Economy.
Ernane Iung’s New Book “The Success Factor”
Ernane advises small business owners that unconventional wisdom is more strategic in the real world than using conventional wisdom.
Stress Management and Task-Oriented Coping with Jeff McAloon and Dr. Paul Atkinson
Jeff talks about ways to cope with stress within emergency cares. This led him to being heavily involved with work place safety.
Sean Barker is Hacking Health
Sean shares his secret to reprogramming your body.
Heather Moyse’s Return to the Olympic Games
Heather explains her much anticipated return to the Winter Olympic Games.
35 years in Business Reinventing the Cruise Ship Tour Guide Industry
Beth explains how she founded Aquila Tours to support the cruise ship industry in Saint John, New Brunswick.
Creating the Cannabinoid Industry with Kevin Chen
Kevin’s main project is Hyasynth Bio. A startup focused on opening up the potential of cannabis-derived medicine.
The Clean Money Revolution – Joel Solomon
The Clean Money Revolution is a must read! Joel chats with Greg and Dave about Renewal Funds and the book that he has published and why he did it.
Building a Business with Social Change in Mind – Ian Capstick
Ian discusses his involvement with politics and being surrounded by politicians who inspired him to pursue his passion.
Sustainability & Social Valves Driving Business Success for Myriam Bouchard & Ajax Greene
Myriam and Ajax explain the creation of Coherence Collaborative, a business providing organizations strategic business services.
Inspired to Write: Why Kelly VanBuskirk Wrote A Book About Canadian Employers
Kelly VanBuskirk tells why he wrote a book about Canadian employers and what motivated him to write it while living in the U.K.
A New Way To Travel with John Simon and Kefi Travel Club
John Simon chats about life experiences with friends, family and how traveling has motivated him to start his own business called Kefi Travel Club.
Dr. Dhirendra Shulka’s Vision of Moving to Canada and Teaching The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs
Dr. Dhirendra Shukla explains his move to Canada at a young age, and how he joined UNB as a teacher with an amazing vision.
Rose Hastreiter Wants to Help You Shift Into Thrive
Rose discusses with Greg and Dave how she founded, a Canadian firm that helps people shift into thrive.
Jenna Morton Challenges Us To Spread Kindness During The Holiday Season
Jenna discusses with Greg and Dave the importance of bringing a community together and how she spreads kindness and positivity during the Christmas season.
WE Day: Craig Kielburger Shares It’s Development and Impact
Greg and Dave bring special guests Kaiya Hemmings and Liam Vale onto the show to ask Craig Kielburger some questions about the WE Day event.
How Do You Use Experience to Grow? Walter Escobar Shares His Story
Walter on the importance of helping those who’ve been incarcerated to adopt entrepreneurship.
The Voice of the Boiling Point: Matt Webber
The voice of the Boiling Point intro, Matt Webber, talks about operating a restaurant/pub outside Halifax called Edible Matters.
The Riipen Platform – How Dana Stepherson is Changing Education
Greg and Dave have Dana Stephenson from Vancouver, B.C. on the show to chat about his path to his current business, Riipen.
Natalie Nixon Changes Lives Through Ideas, Creativity and Design Thinking
Natalie Nixon discusses how she changes lives through ideas, creativity and design thinking.
Making a Change Through Sustainability in Business – Guillaume De Vesvrotte
Guillaume explains Pixelis to Dave and Greg, as well as B-Corp’s innovation and it’s experimentation with sustainability in businesses.
Finding Your Own Path to Leadership: Lessons Learned from Hardwork with Andy LaRose
Andy LaRose shares how Alcon Electrical Corp started with two guys in a garage, and the challenges he has faced in order to grow as an entrepreneur.
Building a Sustainable Town With Jimmy Stice
Jimmy Stice talks Kalu Yala, a self sufficient town he built in Panama which proves humanity can fit into nature without doing any harm.
Making A Business Out of A Town: The Story of Kalu Yala
Greg was invited to Kalu Yala by his friend Yarrow Kraner where he got the opportunity to network with international thought-leaders.
We Talk (Well, Listen) to Jordan Kyriakidis Speak About Quantum Physics and Technology
Jordan explains to Dave and Greg what his company QRA Corp does, and how he applys his background in quantum physics to designing complex tech systems.
Nicole Leblanc’s Pride in Atlantic Canadian Entrepreneurs
Nicole notes her pride of being from the East Coast. She explains how Atlantic Canadian based entrepreneurs are great at organizing and starting businesses.
Corey Blake – The Importance of a Socially Responsible Business
Corey on how having social responsibility in your company changes your worldview.
Jason Martin is Evolving the Trades
Jason talks about testing and certifying people who want to go into the boiler making and pipefitting industry in New Brunswick.
Steve Beauchesne’s Success With his Employee Owned Business, Beaus All Natural
Steve discusses his very successful brewery aswell as what it means to be a B-Corp.
Henry Cross – The Impact of Yoga on Mental and Physical Health
Henry shares how much of a great impact Yoga is for physical and mental health.
Rick Doyle and his Passion for Protection
Rick shares with us his experience as a security guard and explains going about de-escalating violent situations.
Rivers Corbett on the Importance of Teaching Entrepreneurship
Rivers talks his career and explains how the education system must be more business oriented.
Bankruptcy, Resilliance and Healthy Food for all – Dave Wolpin and Kredls
Dave talks going from Kredl’s employee to owning the store and deciding to sell local food.
Pole Dancing: How Tammy Morris is Changing the Stereotype
Tammy explains to Dave and Wayne how pole dancing is more of a fitness oriented activity, rather than what it is stereotyped as.
Deborah Irvine Anderson – Success With Journalism in a Digital World
Deborah talks her career and company, Canteen Media, that offers media training services.
Goodnight Paul. The Journey to My NHL: Living the Dream – Paul Campbell
Paul shares his emotional life story with his hockey career that inspired his book.
Jan and Michael George are Providing Support for Families with Disabilities
Mike and Jan fill us in on their website and movement called Soaring Families. They helps families struggling with the emotional hardships of disabilities.
Bruce Mcleod Takes Business Coaching To A New Level
Bruce Mcleod talks how he impacts companies product differentiation and competitive advantage.
Tackling Complex Life Problems With Craig Norris
Craig talks how breaking down big problems into smaller ones helps you to pursue your passions.
Jay Whitelaw is Making Charity Smarter
Why it’s meaningful to see charitable dollars and how the app, Givesome, funded an initiative in less than 2 hours.
Boiling Point – Episode 148 – Mark Breen of Enterprise Saint John & Patrick Parent of Moosehead Breweries
Solving Complex Problems with the Catalyst Innovation Program Introducing Mark Breen of Enterprise Saint John and Patrick Parent of Moosehead Breweries Innovation creativity is not a destination, but a journey. We know that most companies have to be innovative to stay...
The Key to Effective Business Negotiations with Corey Kupfer
Corey Kupfer is an expert business consultant with over 30 years of negotiating experience. In his book, Corey draws on his years of experience on how to strike a deal that works for both parties.
Who is Coaching the Parents? Alison Smith Explains Her #1 Parenting Tip
We know that the coach approach works because we have experienced it in our own lives. Alison Smith talks about her coach approach to parenting.
Boiling Point – Episode 145 – Neil Burchill and inSIGHT Wellness
Creating a Life Worth Living is a Life Saved Introducing Neil Burchill and inSIGHT Wellness We have all heard the phrase, “everything in moderation.” How many of us actually live these words? The people who seem to have the greatest lives are the ones who take care of...
Boiling Point – Episode 144 – Anne Boyle, Polina Pinchevsky, & RoundPeg
Marketing Your Purpose Introducing Anne Boyle, Polina Pinchevsky, and RoundPeg. The days of using Don Draper’s marketing style is over. No longer are we to believe that we are truly filling our “inner void” with a product. These days we are looking for more. We want...
Boiling Point – Episode 143 – Dr. Hal Movius and Movius Consulting
The Right Confidence Introducing Dr. Hal Movius and Movius Consulting Negotiation is a daily reality in most of our lives. Whether it is a big-time business deal or bargaining with a five-year-old over bedtime, negotiation is a fact of life. There is a pervasive...
Boiling Point – Episode 142 – Maren Keeley and Conscious Company Media
The Good News Introducing Maren Keeley and Conscious Company Media Have you ever ended an experience of watching or reading the news only to feel more depressed than informed? There is no shortage of content out there (especially on the internet) that would leave a...
Boiling Point – Episode 141 – Scot Tatelman and State Bags
Give Back Pack Introducing Scot Tatelman and State Bags It is truly great when you can buy a fantastic product for yourself and at the same time give a fantastic product to someone in need. This is exactly what happens when you purchase a bag from this week’s Boiling...
Dr. Leeno Karumanchery – Diversity, Emotional Intelligence, and Honda Accords
Leeno talks how ‘Enkidu’ drives unconscious bias out of organizations.
How to Help the Environment as a Parent With Jason Nye’s gDiapers
Jason talks the benefits of gDiapers for children, parents, and the environment.
Boiling Point – Episode 138 – Trevor Haldenby and the Mission Business
Embracing Ambiguity Introducing Trevor Haldenby and The Mission Business Is there a better profession to put on your business card than time traveller? Probably not, but that is exactly what this week’s Boiling Point guest has on his card. Trevor Haldenby is an...
Boiling Point – Episode 137 – Luis Vazquez and
The Mighty Introvert Introducing Luis Vazquez and What type of person do you think of when you think of an entrepreneur? Most likely you think of a boisterous visionary type who stands out from the crowd. While this is often how we characterize...
Motivation Provided By Olympic Gold Medalist Heather Moyse
Have you truly challenged yourself lately? So many of us go through our daily lives and make excuses why we can’t take ourselves to the next level.
Boiling Point – Episode 135 – Marilyn Barefoot and Barefoot Brainstorming
The Business of Brainstorming Introducing Marilyn Barefoot and Barefoot Brainstorming Children have a natural ability to be creative. You give a kid a box and she will imagine it as a million different things. At some point though a lot of us seem to misplace...
Boiling Point – Episode 134 – Jake Rothschild and Jake’s Ice Cream
Positivity and Transparency Reintroducing Jake Rothschild and Jake’s Ice Cream Social media can be an incredibly powerful force for good, but often it is used to spread vitriol and to create a platform for unconstructive argument. Many are looking to tune out the...
Boiling Point – Episode 133 – Craig Ryan and the BDC
The B Corp Bank Introducing Craig Ryan and BDC Financing is a big deal for entrepreneurs, but so often the charter banks just don’t “get” entrepreneurs. Luckily for Canadians, there is an option out there that is exclusively for entrepreneurs and they really do “get...
Boiling Point – Episode 132 – Janice MacPherson and Pomodori Pizzeria
Put Up or Shut Up Introducing Janice MacPherson and Pomodori Pizzeria We have all had the experience to being unsatisfied and it isn’t a great feeling. For some of us though, being dissatisfied can be the catalyst to creating something great. Take this week’s...
Boiling Point – Episode 131 – Joyce Sou and B Lab
From Break to B Lab Introducing Joyce Sou and B Lab It seems we all live busy lives. We all have obligations and commitments that take up our working and non-working hours and often this leads to a lack of time to sit back and reflect. As our Boiling Point...
Boiling Point – Episode 130 – George Chmael II and Council Fire
Collaboration over Adversarial Relations Introducing George Chmael II and Council Fire It is always great to work in a collaborative environment but sometimes there is a belief that such environments cannot be achieved. So often instead of thinking of ways that...
Episode 129 – Ryan Honeyman and LIFT Economy
He Wrote the Book Introducing Ryan Honeyman and LIFT Economy With increasing interest in B-Corp companies, many are left wondering how to learn more about the craze and how they can get involved. To this purpose, this week we have Ryan Honeyman from LIFT Economy who...
Episode 128 – Karina LeBlanc and the Pond-Deshpande Centre
Inspiring a Region Introducing Karina LeBlanc and the Pond-Deshpande Centre We here at the Boiling Point Podcast spend a lot of time discussing triple bottom line businesses, but the question becomes where can I find out how to get involved in this emerging sector of...
Episode 127 – Brian Scudamore, 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, and O2E Brands
WTF – Willing to Fail Introducing Brian Scudamore, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? and O2E Brands Sometimes great businesses are developed out of necessity, like when you need to make enough extra cash to pay for college. This is the situation that this week’s Boiling Point guest,...
Episode 126 – JP Shoiry and Republik
Cutting Through the Noise Introducing JP Shoiry and Republik If you spend any time on social media it would seem that everyone is out there trying to deliver a message. For those of us who are on the web trying to market a product or a service it can be difficult to...
Triple Bottom Line Banking with Richard Vaillancourt
We hear about Richard Vaillancourt’s decision to merge his banking background with a triple bottom line approach through Omista Credit Union.
Episode 124 – Gene Fowler & Shawn Smith
Resiliency Rewarded Reintroducing Shawn Smith and Gene Fowler It has been said that nothing worth doing is easy. Resiliency is an important component of an entrepreneur’s toolkit but it also one of the hardest to maintain. Two former guests that have been able to show...
Episode 123 – Matt Forgie and Forfitness & Athletics
Get Moving Introducing Matt Forgie and Forfitness & Athletics Most of us have had that ache in the lower back and many come to the realization that it is probably time to see the chiropractor for a “crack”. However, maybe taking this reactionary stance to pain is...
Staying Sustainable in Today’s Music Industry with Dylan Berry
Change in Tempo Introducing Dylan Berry and Smash Haus Music Group One of the industries that have changed quite a bit over the last few decades is the music industry. No longer do we wait in lines at the local record store because for the most part all of these...
Episode 121 – Jim Kokocki and Toastmasters
Mass Communication Introducing Jim Kokocki and Toastmasters We all know that effective leaders need also to be effective communicators. However, public speaking can be one of the most prevalent fears out there. In fact, up to 75% of people have some degree of...
Episode 120 – Scott Williams & Jayne DeMerchant and Taylor Printing
Local First Introducing Jayne DeMerchant & Scott Williams and Taylor Printing We have all heard the expression, “buy local.” Many of us make the effort to go local and it often means a better quality product and sometimes means a few extra dollars. However, beyond...
Episode 119 – Joe Brewer and Evonomics
A Culture Designed for All Introducing Joe Brewer and Evonomics Looking back through history you could find many examples of capitalism running amuck. There are even recent examples of those with money and power abusing those with less. This week’s guest sees a...
You Can Be That Someone – John Harthorne and MassChallenge
You Can Be That Someone Introducing John Harthorne and MassChallenge Sometimes you could wait so long for someone else to solve a problem and not even realize that you could be that someone. This week’s Boiling Point guest, John Harthorne had the epiphany that he...
Episode 117 – Craig Pinhey
Tap into your Passion Introducing Craig Pinhey, The Beer and Wine Guy The best type of hobby is one you can turn into a job. That is exactly what Craig Pinhey did with his love of beer, wine, and spirits. Craig is a trained engineer but his passion was wine and...
Caroline Duell and All Good Products
Listen Now We hear how Caroline went from being a rock-climbing instructor and massage therapist to a balm entrepreneur. Caroline tells us where the name for All Good Products came from. She tells us about her reluctance about entering the business world. We learn...
Episode 115 – Paul French and Innovation and Tech Today
The Future is Coming Introducing Paul French and Innovation & Technology Today Thomas Fuller once said, “He that fears not the future may enjoy the present.” Though we may be uneasy about where the advances of technology will take us, the future is coming and it...
Episode 114 – Steve Goddard and Resilia Medical Solutions
A Solution for Every Challenge Introducing Steve Goddard and Resilia Medical Solutions Everyone remembers having an unfortunate urinary accident when they were young. Not only is it uncomfortable, but also embarrassing. Most of us grow past these challenges as we...
Can a B-Corp Become “Best for the World” Through Doing Good in Business? Learn What’s Possible with Bryan Welch
Learn Bryan’s motivation for starting a media company focusing on businesses doing good in the world and Bryan’s creation of the “Best for the World” list.
Aaron Emery Thinks the Atlantic Region is Ripe For New Business
Aaron talks ‘For the Region’ and how Atlantic Canada is ripe for new business.
Episode 111 – Cory Richardson and Hanging Hugs
Building Community One Hanging Hug at a Time Introducing Cory Richardson of Hanging Hugs Cory Richardson is an individual who has spent his life spreading love and community. Whether teaching hula hooping to children, or taking the time to help the people of Uganda,...
Episode 110 – Christina Smith of the Redwoods Group
Taking a Stand Introducing Christina Smith of The Redwoods Group Sometimes the course of events in life offers you an opportunity to take a stand for what is right and just. This week’s Boiling Point guest knows all about this. Christina Smith is a consultant with the...
Episode 109 – Sean Dunbar and Picaroons Traditional Ales
The Chief Spiritual Advisor Introducing Sean Dunbar and Picaroons Traditional Ales Sean Dunbar has a great gig; he brews, drinks, and talks about beer for a living. More than that though, Sean is the owner of Picaroons Traditional Ales and he has been a catalyst and...
Episode 108 – Stephen Kopp & Monica Adair of Acre Architects
Crafting the Life you want to Create Introducing Stephen Kopp & Monica Adair of Acre Architects As Stephen Kopp and Monica Adair could tell you, architecture isn’t only about designing buildings or spaces. Just as importantly, architecture is designing lives and...
Boiling Point – Episode 107 – Flo Devellennes and HitchPlanet
Hitch a Ride Introducing Flo Devellennes and HitchPlanet Entrepreneurship is all about having an experience that spurs an idea, which can lead to a business. This was the exact series of events that happened to this week’s guest, Flo Devellennes. Flo moved to Canada...
Episode 106 – Janet Scott and Enterprise Saint John
Finding the Right Problem to Solve Introducing Janet Scott and Enterprise Saint John In running a business there are constantly problems that need to be solved. However, sometimes you find yourself hitting a bit of a brick wall. Perhaps you haven’t even figured out...
Episode 105 – Wendy Papadopoulos and Big Tide Brewing
Brewing Up a Boiling Pint Introducing Wendy Papadopoulos and Big Tide Brewing It is funny how life works. Sometimes you can connect the dots looking back and it all makes sense, but you would have never guessed where you would have ended up at the beginning of your...
Episode 104 – Rebecca Hamilton and W. S. Badger Company
A Better Balm Introducing Rebecca Hamilton and W. S. Badger Company There are no better products than those developed out of a dire need. That was exactly how today’s guest, Rebecca Hamilton's product Badger Balm was created. Badger Balm is a family business and...
Barry Ogden Knows How to Empower a Community and It’s Youth
Barry talks raising millions of dollars in Saint John and why empowering children is important.
Bob Manning Wants New Brunswickers to Be Positive About Their Business Gains
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><script async src=""></script><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><script><!--...
Episode 101 – Robyn Tingley and GlassSKY
From Glass Ceiling to GlassSKY Introducing Robyn Tingley and GlassSKY We all know diversity and inclusion is important in any workplace. So why do some of our sectors of our economy have such a difficult time recruiting and retaining women. While women have become an...
Episode 100 – Wendy McDermott and the United Way of Greater Saint John
The Business Approach to Giving Introducing Wendy McDermott and The United Way of Greater Saint John We all know that there are tremendous social challenges in our communities no matter where you come from. For those of us who seek to be change-makers, it is...
Amy Ruppert Finds A Balance Between Your Morals and Your Business’s Survival
Amy talks of her coaching career and explains how to cope with conflict with others.
Episode 98 – Michael Katz and Blue Penguin Development
Connecting to Clients with Content Introducing Michael Katz and Blue Penguin Development Not much can be more engaging than a good story. What is even better is when you can connect a great story to a challenge your company solves. Michael Katz does this sort of...
Episode 97 – Phil Graves, Patagonia, and $20 Million & Change
Reinvesting in Triple Bottom Line Introducing Phil Graves, Patagonia, and $20 Million & Change For over four decades, Patagonia has been a leader in high-end outdoor wear. The worldwide clothing brand not only makes clothes to wear outside, but also is known for...
Episode 96 – Lise Hansen and Allan Gates and Huddle
Sharing the Stories of Business Introducing Lise Hansen and Allan Gates and Huddle What do you do when you are journalistic and business minded, but you live in a place that doesn’t employ a single fulltime business reporter? You follow the path of Lise Hansen and...
Craig Ballantyne on Taking “The Leap” and his Five Pillars for Success
Craig describes working through anxiety attacks and discusses his Five Pillars of Success.
James Mullinger: The Entrepreneur of Comedy Making it in the Maritimes
James Mullinger tells us about the progression of his career in the funny business.
Episode 93 – Mike Rowlands and Junxion Strategy
Beginning Your Triple Bottom Line Journey Introducing Mike Rowlands and Junxion Strategy How can your company become a leader in the future of business? How can you take my established company and make it better for the world? The Boiling Point has featured a number...
Episode 092 – Ron Dorombozi & RD3 Inc.
Time to SRED Introducing Ron Dorombozi and RD3 Inc. Ron Dorombozi is a thought leader in the ever-developing landscape of Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED). This program is the Canada Revenue Agencies (CRA) premier tool to foster innovation...
Episode 91 – Debra Hatcher and A to Z Wineworks & REX HILL
The Importance of Choosing Your Words Introducing Deb Hatcher and A to Z Wineworks and REX HILL The English language is a beautiful thing, full of flexibility and choice. However, often we don’t truly think about the words we choose in everyday conversation and the...
Episode 90 – Michelle Reid and Mills Office Productivity
All Hail the Czar Introducing Michelle Reid and Mills Office Productivity When you have a problem that needs to be solved you call in a czar. For the past 5 years, Michelle Reid has served as the czar of sustainability for Mills Office Productivity, a local and...
Episode 89 – Kristy O’Leary and Scout & Burrow
Out with the Dinosaurs, In with Evolution Reintroducing Kristy O'Leary - Scout & Burrow This week’s guest for the second time is Kristy O’Leary from Scout & Burrow. Kristy is an artist, entrepreneur, and social change provocateur. Through Scout & Burrow,...
Episode 88 – Kelly Lawson and ELLA
From Consuming to Sharing Introducing Kelly Lawson and ELLA We have all heard the comment from the closest, “I have nothing to wear.” In fact, the average American woman spends approximately $300 per month on fashion items. In less than a month, 51% of these items go...
Episode 87 – Shawn Leger and FORCE 3 Innovations
The Intersection of Passion and Innovation Introducing Shawn Leger and FORCE 3 Innovations When passion and innovation merge the results can be powerful. Someone who knows all about this situation is Shawn Leger. Shawn has worked in the rehab field for 16 years and he...
Episode 86 – Sarah Dickinson and The THNK School of Creative Leadership
Time to THNK Introducing Sarah Dickinson and The THNK School of Creative Leadership We live in an era of new challenges where antiquated leadership and business models will not produce the solutions we all seek. The leaders of the next generation still need to be...
Episode 85 – Mark Wood
The More you Hear Introducing Mark Wood and Ocean Sonics It is amazing what you can hear when you make the effort to listen… especially under the water. One person that knows all about this is Mark Wood from Ocean Sonics. Mark’s company develops highly specialized...
Episode 84 – Kevan Gilbert
Empathy for the Digital Age Introducing Kevan Gilbert Kevan Gilbert is a man who believes that collaboration is the best way to complete any task. This award winning digital story teller and strategist realized very early in his work in agencies that teamwork and...
Episode 83 – Andrew Park
True Masculinity through Responsibility Introducing Andrew Park and Urbane & Gallant Andrew Park is a man who likes to ponder the true meaning of masculinity. If you look at most representations of masculinity in pop culture three themes seem to arise: beer, sex,...
Episode 82 – Aaron Vidas
Maximize with your Most Profitable Customers Introducing Aaron Vidas and Strategy Box Aaron Vidas is an advisor who works with tech companies, professional service firms, social enterprises, and B2B companies. In his former career as a marketing manager and sales...
Episode 81 – Andy MacCallum
Keep your Investment in your Community Introducing Andy MacCallum Investors are always out looking for the ability to make more money from their current money. However, more often than not the money is being invested into multi-national companies or in faraway places....
Episode 80 – Dan Martell
Sharing your Most Powerful Tools… your Stories Introducing Dan Martell The ability to connect with others by expressing your experiences and lessons learned are often the most powerful gift you can give to someone else. Learning from others experiences can rocket you...
Episode 79 – Kim Houlahan
Get your Message Out There Introducing Kim Houlahan Entrepreneurs who own small or medium sized businesses work hard every day in order to gain or maintain success. There is a lot of hard work and many hours put forth toward their business. Often these business people...
Episode 78 – Owen Green
Financial Monitoring = More Sleep Introducing Owen Green Passionate, driven entrepreneurs often need to focus on what they are good at. This could mean being visionaries, or taking part in the grind of everyday business. For many though, the evening can be filled with...
Episode 77 – Ken MacLeod
Pounce on your Opportunities Introducing Ken MacLeod Sometimes the only thing holding you back from achieving any goal is your own hesitation. No journey has ever happened where someone hasn’t taken the first step. Ken MacLeod and the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra...
Episode 76 – Jeff Schnurr
Conservation Capitalism Introducing Jeff Schnurr The saying goes, “there is more than one way to skin a cat.” The same is true for conservation. The choice doesn’t have to be between jobs and preservation because there is a middle ground. Jeff Schnurr knows this, and...
Episode 75 – Victoria Clarke
Discover Saint John Introducing Victoria Clarke Victoria Clarke has an enviable job for all of those who live and love Saint John, New Brunswick. Back in July, Victoria took the job as Executive Director of Discover Saint John, the destination marketing organization...
Episode 74 – Shawn Smith
Understanding DisAbilities Introducing Shawn Smith Shawn Smith grew up believing he was a dumb kid. Though he tried in school, he didn’t receive the marks he had hoped for. He failed grade eight and made 32 attempts to complete his 18 credits for high school. It...
Episode 73 – Nelson Cabral
The Era of Creative Leadership Introducing Nelson Cabral Businesses that specialize in the creative understand that a creative leadership style can be very advantageous to a company culture. However, this leadership style can often be missing in in traditional...
Episode 72 – Mark Hemmings
Where your passions will take you Introducing Mark Hemmings Almost every younger brother looks up to his older sibling, and there is no exception in the Hemmings family. Greg’s older brother, Mark, shaped his likes, choices, and life. They shared similar interests and...
Episode 71 – Josh Martin
The Badge of Awesome Introducing Josh Martin Sometimes the knocks that life throws at us are the pivot point to a better way. Josh Martin knows all about this. At 27 years old, Josh was diagnosed with leukemia and given a 50/50 chance at survival. One of the...
Episode 70 – Nora Livingstone
B Corp Adventure Introducing Nora Livingstone What do you do when you have a thirst for travel and adventure, as well as a heart for the welfare of animals? You start a business. At least that is what Nora Livingstone did. Back in 2012, Nora was approached by her...
Episode 69 – Greg Faxon
Reengineering your Passion Introducing Greg Faxon There are many people out there that need some help reorganizing their lives and businesses. Some people are in an unfulfilling job, and others are in the midst of a startup and need guidance. Even seasoned...
Episode 68 – Derek Riedle
Prepare to be Civilized Re-introducing Derek Riedle Sometimes you come up with an idea that is so timely that you feel you must seize your opportunity. Derek Riedle had one of these eureka moments recently, but did not sit by and wait for someone else to grab the...
Marcel LeBrun’s Vision for Social Entrepreneurship
Marcel discusses his feelings on company missions & social entrepreneurship. He shares how to get your company’s people invested in a vision for the better.
Marcel Lebrun Talks About Growing as a CEO
Is a CEO born or made? Marcel LeBrun believes the latter and he should know because he was given the opportunity to grow into the position.
Episode 65 – Wayne Jagoe
Facilitating Forward From Failure Introducing Wayne Jagoe Wayne Jagoe is an ideas man. In fact, in every email his signature signs off with yours in ideation. Unique ideas are a facet of every entrepreneur’s life and business, but so is self-awareness. Wayne has...
Episode 64 – Ross Laird
Screening you Screen Time Introducing Ross Laird Technology can be great for work and relaxation. However, sometimes our screens can become a form of addiction that takes us out from being present in the moment. This is exacerbated by the fact that now our screens...
Episode 63 – Chris Boudreau
Opportunity in Challenges Introducing Chris Boudreau Constraints and challenges in life can be looked at two ways; they can be seen as barriers and limitations or as opportunities and creative inspirations. One man that takes the latter approach is Chris Boudreau. ...
Episode 62 – Dr. Marc Pelletier
The “Heart” of Leadership Introducing Dr. Marc Pelletier Entrepreneurial skills are not exclusive to those who run their own businesses. In fact, a lot can be learned from the leadership of non-entrepreneurs. Dr. Marc Pelletier is a great example of this. Marc is a...
Episode 61 – Pete McMath – Finding Opportunity to be Extraordinary
Finding Opportunity to be Extraordinary Introducing Pete McMath Sometimes business ideas come from revelations you have in your daily life. This is exactly what went down with this week’s Boiling Point guest, Pete McMath. Pete was working in guitar repair and sales...
Episode 60 – Bob Willard – Increase Profit with Sustainability
Increase Profit with Sustainability Introducing Bob Willard When it comes to making your business more sustainable, it really doesn’t matter what your motivation is. It would be nice to think that entrepreneurs are making decisions on sustainability for altruistic...
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