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Henry Cross – The Impact of Yoga on Mental and Physical Health

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In This Episode

  • Greg and Henry talk about the tragic loss of iconic grunge star Chris Cornell.
  • Henry talks about growing up in Miami and not enjoying the humidity there, which influenced his eventual move up north to New York.
  • He discusses how Hush Yoga uses the practice of Yoga to positively impact their local community within New York City.
  • Henry shares the amazing impact Yoga has had in his life, and how it has changed his physical and mental health.
  • He hopes that one day Yoga becomes a common practice accepted in business organizations to better the health and wellness of its employees.
  • Henry explains how the practice of Yoga is imperative to the future of preventative medicine.
Henry Cross

Henry Cross

Executive Director of Hosh Kids

  • Henry joined Hosh Yoga in 2011 as a teacher and Program Director.
  • Since 2013, he founded and expanded programming for the organization with Hosh Kids and Hosh Seniors.
  • From 2014 to 2016, he participated in a philanthropic role by expanding the programming, policy, and public advocacy efforts of the Sonima Foundation as Community Relations Director.
  • Henry’s work has been featured by the Huffington Post, Boston Yoga Magazine, Elephant Journal, Blog Talk Radio, The NYC Social Innovation Festival, Social Venture Institute, and multiple Brooklyn and Queens newspapers.
  • In 2015, Henry was awarded Top Forty Under 40.

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