Using Truth and Transparency to Create Trust in Your Sales: Troy Wallace’s Paradigm Shift
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In This Episode
When you are working with a customer, do you focus on making the sale to benefit your needs or are you focusing on how you can best serve the customer’s needs? Troy Wallace talks to us today about how he’s learned from his 23 years in advertising that making that paradigm shift to putting the customer’s needs first changes the entire sales relationship. This episode helps Greg and Dave build their relationship with Troy that started when he attended the Boiling Point Process Live Event in December.
Episode Highlights - Your 5 Minute Path
First 5 minutes
Greg and Dave introduce Troy and explain the background of how they met at the Boiling Point Process day. Troy introduces himself and his background in advertising.
5 – 10 Minutes
Troy explains how his on the job education has been paid for by the work he has done for clients. He makes a point that advertising is not a science, it’s an art. He explains their expansion into targeted digital ads. Bad advertising talks about the advertiser, good advertising talks about the potential customer.
Greg relates Troy’s points back to the Boiling Point Process and Dave asks Troy how he got connected to attend the session. Troy explains
10 – 15 minutes
Dave mentions Troy’s background with being a certified trainer and the suggestions and feedback Troy provided to Dave after the session. Greg mentions the opening statement Dave made about not being perfect. The group discusses how that statement ties into being authentic.
15 minutes – 20 minutes
Greg asks Troy how his clients respond to not being perfect and not being as scripted. Troy explains how it’s all about Truth and Transparency first in order to build Trust. He feels these are the three T’s of marketing today. Dave asks Troy to speak about the evolution of the relationship with his clients. Troy talks about his sales experience and lessons learned.
20 – 25 minutes
Troy talks about the transition he made from being a salesperson to training other salespeople. He speaks about how important being trust with a customer is. Troy speaks to how changing his perspective from making a sale for your benefit, to actually wanting to help the customer succeed people are more receptive.
Greg ties into the idea of investing in what the customer wants and starts a conversation about how Troy’s sales teams are like mini-business coaches. Dave admits he can feel the difference in a client relationship when it’s missing that component of doing the best for the client and asks Troy to speak about why. The group speaks about the integrity that’s needed to not do selfish sales.
25 minutes – 30 minutes
Troy speaks to the content and people’s willingness to try out different mediums. He mentions how you need to ask yourself are you making an offer that matters to anyone and does your business matter to anyone. Dave speaks to what he’s seeing in small businesses he coaches aren’t always spending enough time on their business development and asks Troy what value he can bring to them. Troy says that the main job of a consultant is to listen and reflect back to help people see their business from a different perspective. The discussion turns to talk about customer testimonials.
30 minutes – 40 minutes
The group wraps up and talks about how to get in touch with Troy and their takeaways from the episode.
Troy Wallace
Troy has been working in advertising for 23 years now with a short stint in Newspaper and the rest of his time in Radio and now Targeted Digital Advertising.
Troy’s education has been built by spending of other people’s money. Troy appreciates each of those advertisers’ investment in him. When he started in advertising his title was Sales Representative. And that is what he was taught to do. After the first 2 years he learned his job was not to sell advertising but to help advertisers attain their goals. That simple paradigm shift changed everything. Troy has made it his mission to help small and medium size businesses communicate with potential customers by talking about what matters to the customer. Troy is a certified trainer with FranklinCovey for many of their programs including The Four Disciplines of Execution, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Leadership and The Speed of Trust. Troy is also a Sales trainer. The most exciting part of his job is coaching people, not just staff but clients. Troy’s job is to foster greatness in others. ‘I know nothing’ is his mantra. That way he is not imprisoned by beliefs and conditioning but is open to the ever-evolving truth of the moment.
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