Allan Gates Helps Define Your Customer Avatar
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In This Episode
As part of our Boiling Point Process live event in December 2018 in Saint John, New Brunswick, we invited four sets of guests to join us on stage for live recordings of The Boiling Point. Today, we share one of those episodes featuring our friend Allan Gates.
If you don’t know Allan, you need to check out Huddle and Bonfire for all the fantastic work he is doing. In this episode, Allan joined us to give his experience around Defining Your Avatar, which is the first step in our Boiling Point Process: 4 Steps to Be Heard In A Noisy Market.

Allan Gates
Partner, Bonfire
Allan Gates is a co-founder and partner with Bonfire, a brand storytelling agency based in Saint John, New Brunswick that works with clients throughout Canada and the United States. Allan is a marketing and PR agency veteran, having worked in leadership roles with agencies in Saint John, Halifax and Boston including CCL, Extreme Group, REDGATE Communications and SHIFT Communications. He’s also the co-founder of the business news web site Huddle. Today, and a lecturer in digital marketing at the University of New Brunswick Saint John.
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