Cutting Through the Noise
Introducing JP Shoiry and Republik
If you spend any time on social media it would seem that everyone is out there trying to deliver a message. For those of us who are on the web trying to market a product or a service it can be difficult to cut through the noise so that our post gets noticed. When you need your message to stand out above the rest your best route might be to get advice from someone like today’s Boiling Point guest.
JP Shoiry is the chief of content strategy and a partner at Republik, a digital brand editorial agency specializing in social media, content, and influencer marketing. JP and his partner acquired Republik a little while back and have since repositioned the company toward content and influencer marketing. JP knows that in a world that anyone could potentially be a content marketer in order to cut through the noise you need to be valuable to your audience and you need to understand the type of content you are working with and how best to promote it through the ever-evolving social media landscape.
Check out this episode of the Boiling Point to see how you could strategize to cut through the noise with your marketing effort.
In this episode
- Greg calls a wrong number trying to get in touch with JP.
- We learn about Republik’s effort to become a B Corp and what that has done for the company.
- There is a discussion about how B Corps should be totally aligned with Quebecois values and that there will be more B Corps to come from Quebec.
- JP tells us how he learned about B Corps and why it was a fit for Republik.
- He also tells us why becoming a B Corp is the most actionable thing a business can do to act on its intentions and values.
- We learn why Republik’s motto is “real talk”
- Greg asks JP to run through a strategy for promoting his new documentary, City on Fire.
- JP tells us that different social media has different advantages and disadvantages as it comes to marketing and how developing a strategy for promotion before launch is so important.
- JP also tells us about his lessons learned and the differences between acquiring a company and starting fresh.
- Dave admires JP’s passion and his ability to articulate his rich, deep knowledge.
- Greg mentions how content creators often give themselves a hard time for not having all the answers as it relates to distribution, but there are experts, like JP, out there to help.