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Dr. Dhirendra Shulka’s Vision of Moving to Canada and Teaching The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs
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In This Episode
- Dr. Dhirendra Shukla explains his move to Canada at a young age, and how he joined UNB as a teacher.
- Dhirendra has a vision to promote a bright future for entrepreneurs.
- He discusses how he began courses at the school and some of the challenges he had to overcome.
- Dhirendra discusses the awards that came from his dedication to the educational system of New Brunswick.
Dhirendra Shukla
Dr. J. Herbert Smith ACOA Chair
- Dr. Dhirendra Shukla is a Professor of Technology Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton.
- Passionate about entrepreneurship, design, engineering, innovation and leadership, Dhirendra ignites the same passion in others through his teachings at UNB.
- Dhirendra Shukla received an award from UNB in 2014 as the “Most Entrepreneurial Post-Secondary Institution of the Year”.
- Most recently, Dhirendra was nominated for the RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award and selected by judges as a top 75 finalist.
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