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Rivers Corbett on the Importance of Teaching Entrepreneurship
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In This Episode
- Greg is back hosting the boiling point!
- Big thanks to Wayne Jagoe for filling in for Greg for the past few weeks!
- Rivers informs Dave and Greg on his career portfolio and endeavours.
- He talks about his involvement with Opportunies New Brunswick and how he wants to create a more entrepreneurial environment throughout the province.
- Rivers explains how the education system needs to be more business and entrepeneurial oriented.
- The three talk about the importance of private enterprise and how it is the key for New Brunswick’s economic recovery.
- Greg and Dave discuss how they plan on having Rivers back on the show in the near future, so stay tuned!
Rivers Corbett
Co-Founder of RayZen and Author of "Thirteen Fears of Entrepreneurs"
- Rivers Corbett, MBA, is an award winning serial entrepreneur, international speaker, startUP entrepreneurial thought leader, and author of “13 Fears of Entrepreneurs.”
- He has received numerous business awards including: 2015 Business Person of the Year, Canada’s Hottest Start-ups List, as well as Canada’s Fastest Growing Companies list through Profit magazine.
- Rivers recently received the StartUP Canada Champion Award, a founding board member of StartUP Canada, and hosts the StartUP Canada Podcast Show.
- Most recently, Rivers has joined the Opportunties New Brunswick team to help significantly move the needle on the spirit and actions of entrepreneurship throughout the province.
- Rivers is also a co-founder of RayZen Innovations, a company that is significantly evolving how non-profits & charities traditionally raise money through online gaming technology.
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A podcast for the ever evolving entrepreneur.
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