Episode 70 – Nora Livingstone

Episode 70 – Nora Livingstone

B Corp Adventure Introducing Nora Livingstone What do you do when you have a thirst for travel and adventure, as well as a heart for the welfare of animals? You start a business. At least that is what Nora Livingstone did. Back in 2012, Nora was approached by her...
Episode 70 – Nora Livingstone

Episode 69 – Greg Faxon

Reengineering your Passion Introducing Greg Faxon There are many people out there that need some help reorganizing their lives and businesses. Some people are in an unfulfilling job, and others are in the midst of a startup and need guidance. Even seasoned...
Episode 70 – Nora Livingstone

Episode 68 – Derek Riedle

Prepare to be Civilized Re-introducing Derek Riedle Sometimes you come up with an idea that is so timely that you feel you must seize your opportunity. Derek Riedle had one of these eureka moments recently, but did not sit by and wait for someone else to grab the...