Hitch a Ride Introducing Flo Devellennes and HitchPlanet Entrepreneurship is all about having an experience that spurs an idea, which can lead to a business. This was the exact series of events that happened to this week’s guest, Flo Devellennes. Flo moved to Canada...
Finding the Right Problem to Solve Introducing Janet Scott and Enterprise Saint John In running a business there are constantly problems that need to be solved. However, sometimes you find yourself hitting a bit of a brick wall. Perhaps you haven’t even figured out...
Brewing Up a Boiling Pint Introducing Wendy Papadopoulos and Big Tide Brewing It is funny how life works. Sometimes you can connect the dots looking back and it all makes sense, but you would have never guessed where you would have ended up at the beginning of your...
A Better Balm Introducing Rebecca Hamilton and W. S. Badger Company There are no better products than those developed out of a dire need. That was exactly how today’s guest, Rebecca Hamilton’s product Badger Balm was created. Badger Balm is a family business and...
From Glass Ceiling to GlassSKY Introducing Robyn Tingley and GlassSKY We all know diversity and inclusion is important in any workplace. So why do some of our sectors of our economy have such a difficult time recruiting and retaining women. While women have become an...