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Jenna Morton Challenges Us To Spread Kindness During The Holiday Season

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In This Episode

  • Jenna discusses with Greg and Dave how she created the name Pickle Planet, and the importance of bringing a community together.
  • She explains the meaning behind Project Nice List and how she spreads kindness and positivity during the Christmas season.
  • Jenna also talks about the kindness challenges that she has created through her social media platforms that challenges people to do a simple task each day for 30 days that creates a positive impact for people to enjoy during the holidays.
  • Listen to this episode and hear Jenna Morton chat with Greg and Dave how she plans to continuously spread kindness with Pickle Planet and Project Nice List.
Jenna Morton

Jenna Morton

Pickle Planet Moncton Founder

  • Jenna Morton launched her platform Pickle Planet in 2016 in the Greater Moncton Area, with a mission to connect parents.
  • She set out with a goal in mind to start up Project Nice List by cutting through the noise of Christmas and reconnect by simply spreading kindness through the season.
  • Jenna continuously strives to send positive vibes with her projects and strongly encourages collaborations through the holiday season.

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