Episode 53 – Clyde Wray – What it Means to Care

Episode 52 – The Birthday Episode

Happy Birthday to the Boiling Point Podcast That’s right we made it to our first anniversary.  We have had so many amazing guests, insights, and opinions from which we have learned so much (and we hope you did to).  In this episode, Greg and Dave reminisce over the...
Episode 53 – Clyde Wray – What it Means to Care

Episode 51 – Chris Durban

Introducing Chris Durban You might think of translators as quiet people who sit in dark rooms writing somewhat verbatim from one language to the other.  Some of the time this might be true, but not nearly as much as you would think.  Chris Durban flies in the face of...
Episode 53 – Clyde Wray – What it Means to Care

Episode 34 – DJ Waldow

Introducing DJ Waldow It is coming upon that time of year again where many assess changes that need to be made in their lives.  A course of action is taken where we vow to make these changes and we call them New Year’s resolutions.  Many will choose to lose some...