Introducing Chris Durban
You might think of translators as quiet people who sit in dark rooms writing somewhat verbatim from one language to the other. Some of the time this might be true, but not nearly as much as you would think. Chris Durban flies in the face of this stereotype. Chris has been doing the job for more than 30 years and wants the industry to speak with a stronger voice.
Translation is not nearly as dry as some would have you believe. When a crisis situation erupts around the world, often a translator is hired to keep the communication flowing–and do the job right. Just think of the errors in context or understanding if you brought in the wrong translator in a hostage situation; it could be the difference between life and death.
For those in business, translation is also crucial. When you are speaking to your clients or customers, you don’t want them put off by a faulty computerized translation. And translation becomes key when looking to enter new markets. Bottom line: translation can often be an afterthought for those in business, but it shouldn’t be–and Chris will explain why in this week’s Boiling Point.
In this episode
- Greg tells us how Chris and he met at Seth Godin’s Ruckus makers.
- Chris tells us what the difference is between translators and interpreters.
- We get a fuller understanding of why this industry is so key in business, politics, and in crisis situations.
- We also hear how trust is so important in the work of a translator.
- Chris tells us about her plan to get the news on translation out there in August.
- We also hear about how a former press secretary for the President might have advised on an interpreter character in a popular TV show.
- Dave has a shift in his preconceived notions of translators and gets a new understanding of how important of a job it is for communication and connection.
- Greg sees the industry as critical for businesses looking to go into new markets and how bad translation will produce bad results.
– The American Translator’s Association
– French Translator’s Association
– The ATA’s Getting it Right Pamphlet
– 101 Things a Translator Needs to Know