Tackling Complex Life Problems With Craig Norris

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In This Episode

  • We are reacquainted with Craig.
  • He tells us about his recent trip to Washington, DC and his win at the DCEFF. Craig tells us the story behind, ‘Kokota: The Islet of Hope’ as well as a few of his other great films.
  • There is a discussion about how to tackle huge problems by breaking them down into smaller problems to tackle and achieve a great deal.
  • We learn how a cross-cultural exchange between Canada and Pemba, Tanzania offered inspiration and information for both countries.
  • Craig breaks down how he is able to tell such great stories.
  • There is a discussion on how humour is a great way to leave a long-lasting impact on someone’s mind, even with dry or heavy material. Craig tells us about a time before filmmaking when he was in a job that didn’t match his values and how he made a change.
  • Craig talks about how following your passion is not easy but worthwhile and how you might end up working harder, but you will be happier
Craig Norris

Craig Norris

Founder of VideoBand Productions


  • Craig Norris is a previous Boiling Point guest and is back with us this week to bring us up-to-date with what he has been up to. His company VideoBand Productions have been busy creating engaging stories that tackle real environmental problems. Craig’s “secret sauce” in creating intriguing content that is both entertaining and educational is fairly simple. He looks to tell a story where you find an interesting person in an interesting place doing something interesting.
  •  Kokota: The Islet of Hope, Craig was honoured with three awards, including Best Short Film on Sustainability at the world’s largest eco film festival, The DC Environmental Film Festival.

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