Jay Whitelaw is Making Charity Smarter

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In This Episode

  • Jay tells us why it is so much more meaningful to actually see our charitable dollars at work. We hear a recent example of how Givesome works, and how an initiative was funded in less than 2 hours.
  • He tells us how he got brands and corporations to fund all operational costs so that your charitable funds aren’t “taxed”.
  • We hear how a chance meeting with a man from Namibia changed his life forever.
Jay Whitelaw

Jay Whitelaw

Founder of Givesome

  • Jay Whitelaw is the creator of Givesome, an app that reinvents the process of donating to a charity.
  • Givesome shows you exactly how your money was used through notifications of any project you financially support and gets funded. This way you can actually see the impact you are making with a small donation.

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