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Aaron Emery Thinks the Atlantic Region is Ripe For New Business

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In This Episode

  • Aaron discusses his brand new initiative, For the Region.
  • He asks us, what would it takes for Atlantic Canada to be the most inviting place for new ideas and people to put down roots.
  • We discuss why the region is in the shape it is and how the region’s geography and relative inexpensiveness could be tempting to former Silicon Valley execs.
  • Aaron sees the Atlantic Region as the entrepreneur’s work/life balance capital of the world.
  • He discusses solutions to these problems.
  • There is a discussion of how Atlantic Canadian humility can actually be hurting us.
  • We also learn why it will be important to both praise success and forgive failure.
  • Aaron asks everyone to visit ForTheRegion.ca to sign the “Fight not Flight” pledge or to consider becoming a volunteer.
Aaron Emery

Aaron Emery

Founder of 'For the Region'

  • Aaron Emery is championing a new project called For the Region.
  • For the Region is a citizen led movement rapidly rethinking economic development in Atlantic Canada.
  • For too long, the overwhelming narrative of the Atlantic region has been one of decline where our young people leave for greener pastures out west or down south, meanwhile those who remain tend to be older individuals who strain things like our healthcare system draining our tax dollars.
  • Aaron believes it doesn’t have to be this way and sees the Atlantic region as a place of great promise for work/life balance entrepreneurs.

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